

The General Practitioners

We are a group of seven GPs.

  • Dr Christopher Sawyer (m)
  • Dr Hester Blaber (f)
  • Dr Nicola Gerrett (f)
  • Dr Neville Daruwalla (m)
  • Dr Sophie Rambihar (f)
  • Dr Loshana Sivapathasundaram (f)
  • Dr Murraih Nour (f)
  • Paramedic: Ellie Stokes 


Two of the doctors in the practice occasionally have a doctor sharing their practice with them. These doctors are fully qualified but are in training at the start of their careers in general practice under the supervision of a more experienced doctor. You will probably find that they can offer you a more immediate appointment than can your own doctor and we hope you will consult them. If it is only your own doctor that you wish to consult, the receptionist will be able to arrange this but, because their teaching sessions take up time, you may have to wait for a day or two.

As a training practice we undergo periodic assessment, when the quality of patients' records may be examined by a senior doctor. Confidentiality is maintained. However, if you do not want your notes examined please inform the receptionist or doctor.


Medical Students

Occasionally we have medical students with us as part of their studies. They will be observing general practice consultations only. You will always be asked for your permission for a student to be present at your consultation.